s e e . m y . s p o t s
new . old . host . me . yourturn . photos . morespots
somebody called me a 'good worker' thursday. and i suppose i am. i get along well with my coworkers except the intolerable ones, and those i avoid at all costs. when management pushes us with retarded rules and tries us by piling on 2 weeks worth of work in 1 day in an attempt to make the weak ones quit, i ask for more hours. when they tell me today's going to be a bitch, i say bring it. i don't ask questions that have already been answered. i try not to complain, and if i do, it's always to someone who will encourage me instead of complaining along with me. i'm never late. i do my job quickly and i do it right.

you may not think that's much to be proud of considering the fact that my job is parking bmw's, but you haven't seen some of the people i work with. there's about 10 people out of 25 that are real workers. the ones that want to really earn their money. the ones that prove management wrong instead of giving them the finger and walking out the front door.

and i'm proud to be one of those 10.

current music: silverchair
