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i made a mixed cd today.

fluorescent tap water conspiracy theory vol. 2

the second cd in a series archiving my favorite songs over the past couple of years. kind of like a "soundtrack to my life" type thing except it expands every few months and it only covers the past 2 years or so.

the name comes from an inside joke between me and a friend i never really talk to anymore. but i still think about her everytime i play the cds.

i was tailed by 2 young girls from my dad's church yesterday in a wal-mart parking lot. they followed me around until i found a space. i talked to them for a few minutes, using non-specific terms like "guys" and "you" because i didn't know their names.

they saw me smile for the first time.

now they stare at me in church. maybe i should learn their names. even though they have no chance with me because i'm way, way older. it's nice when people show an interest in me. it doesn't happen often, and recently i've been turning the other way when it does.

but the shell's starting to wash away in a river of anti-depressants.

why didn't anybody tell me about prozac before?

as the wind blew through what little hair i had and the music swirled violently around the seats and out the window into inner-city traffic i felt like me again. and that, if nothing else, is something to be happy about.
