s e e . m y . s p o t s
new . old . host . me . yourturn . photos . morespots
There was a group of people outside of the cafeteria a couple of nights ago that really bothered me. They were all sitting around a table and playing what could be considered the world's most annoying (and pathetic) game. One person would say "must," then the next "be," then "dumber", then "than", and then they would all yell at the next person in line "SAY IT! You've gotta say it!" Then that person would scream as loud as they could "SHIT!!!!" They did this a multiple number of times, laughing harder than anyone ever should at something like that after each use of the word shit.

See, the thing that gets me is these people would be considered edgy at my school for doing this. Mainly because I attend a giant youth camp with classes. The first impulse that ran through my mind when I heard this routine being repeated was "fuck you guys." I actually said it but they didn't hear me. Then the thought ran through my mind "fuck this school." Then "fuck youth groups for turning people into this." Then I calmed down and ate some ice cream.
