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the music at my church sucks. the music the people at my church listen to sucks. i mean, the message is awesome, but the vehicle is a lemon. apparently, to be a true child of God, you have to lose all sense of artistic appreciation. i mean, who said you had to sacrifice taste for spirituality? whoever it was has ruined the church's impact on artistic media.

carman and left behind...this is what we offer to a world of american beauties and radioheads. of course, christian artists who match the awesome talent of their secular counterparts get persecuted by their own brothers and sisters because they're different. they get accused of being "too much like the world." whatever that means. effectively, what the church is saying is "we don't need your talent because it makes us attractive to the world. and when the church becomes attractive to the world, we have to deal with the world. God forbid we actually win lost souls. that would be apalling! the church filled with a bunch of hippies...

and everybody wonders why music and movies are getting worse and worse. it's because there's no salt to preserve them. they're rotting.

but, you know, we did get the dude from growing pains to star in left behind...

current music: blindside
